SOLID Onboarding Form

General Information

1. Company details (please state Name, Address and Website)

Contact Information

2. Main contact person (please state Name, Title, Address, Phone & Mobile Number and Email)

3. Support desk (24/7) (please state Name, Address, Phone & Mobile Number and Email)

4. Trading desk (24/7) (please state Name, Address, Phone & Mobile Number and Email)

5. Network Infrastructure desk (please state Name, Address, Phone & Mobile Number and Email)

6. Liquidity desk (24/7) (please state Name, Address, Phone & Mobile Number and Email)


7. Which services would you like to take from Solid FX?

Making into Solid FX London Tokyo NY
Taking from Solid FX London Tokyo NY
Taking via 3rd party platform London Tokyo NY

8. Via which prime broker would you like to connect to Solid FX?

9. Which technology provider do you use for integrating with Solid FX?

10. Type of connection that you would like to use?

Direct cross-connect
Connection via 3rd party. This would be:

11. What is the desired market data refresh rate (taking form Solid FX)?

12. What do you expect as minimum order quantity (making into Solid FX)?

13. In which currencies are you interested in trading?

14. What is the expected total FX Volume per day?

15. Other important information?